Thursday, July 26, 2012

Day 7 - Choosing Happiness

"Most folks are as happy as they make up their minds to be."  Abraham Lincoln

I do believe this to be true; however, today I found out Lincoln didn't say this even though it is attributed to him.  Well, I still believe it to be true.

I find I'm happiest when I'm in my garden or taking photos.  The potential is of what it can be is what I like.  When I take photos, I have big dreams of what they will be like:  no noise, clear, brilliant colors, great composition.  Then the doubt comes.  The happiness creeps away when I compare to others or when a shot I thought would be great, isn't.  But roars back in when I find I've taken one that is outstanding!  Vicious circle.  

I am going to stop comparing.  I am still going to analyze other's photos, but I'm going to learn from them, not look down on my work.  

I am going to choose happiness.  OK, I'm really working on choosing happiness.

I used kk-felicity for the texture on this photo.  

Monday, July 23, 2012

Day 6 - Let's Make A Storyboard

Some times I think I get more behind every day.  I'm trying to catch up, but seem to have trouble getting there.

Day 6 was storyboard.  Day 5, uh, eluded me.  I just am too boring to have a routine, I think.  Or to intimidated to show myself.  Probably a little of both, I suppose.

Here is my first storyboard which is actually more of a collage.

I do love hydrangeas.  I love the colors.  I love the textures.  I love the different types of leaves.  I love how they change from day to day.  I love that there are so many different kinds.  I love that I can't determine a favorite.  

I have more photos of hydrangeas than anything.  So that's what I used.  I am going to do a few more to get the practice.  Maybe I can figure out a cohesive line to actually make a storyboard!

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Texture Tuesday - Textured x's 2

I've been on vacation and haven't had much alone time to do my assignments.  I'm working on catching up, but starting with my Texture Tuesday.  Here's is today's work:

This is the before photo:

The two textures I've used on this photo are kk-elevate & kk-sunkissed.  My text is called OLIVEOIL.

Two of my favorite things here.  The poppies and the sunshine.  It was a beautiful day and these poppies called my name.  I ran across the street and captured their beauty.
