Sunday, September 8, 2013

In the Closet

Yesterday was Saturday, so no one was working.  Randy, the closet installer, said they were staying Friday night until the closet was done.  It's all in except the clothes rods.  But first, here's a shot of the driveway from the road.

I like it.  I think we'll be happy with it.
Here is the finished dresser:

And it's huge!  Each drawer is at least 10" deep and 2' wide.  We're going to have to buy more clothes to fill it!  Nice though.  They did such a nice job on it.

Here is the right side of the closet.  Two photos to get it all in because of the tight spot taking the photo.  To the far right is a small space for hanging clothes and the rest will be double row hanging.

I asked for two shelves over the hanging clothes.  Whether or not anything goes there remains to be seen, but you can only stack clothes so high and then they fall over.  This way, I have storage that can be used.  I think out of season items (yeah, I have lots of that, not), purses, Scooter's hats, etc can go there.  I'm going to need a step stool!

 The shelving to the left is the hamper "unit" that will pass through to the laundry room (the big space toward the bottom will be a drawer which will be a hamper).  The top shelves are to pass clean, folded clothes back to the closet.  The other tall shelving is for sweater and sweatshirt types of clothes.  Could also be jeans.  And the right photo shows the double hanging space.  With any luck, the next photos you see will have clothes in them - next week???  Probably early the next week.  We'll see!

The glass came for the kitchen cabinet.   I love it.  I won't have a hutch in this house and this will allow me to kind of display the fancy glass stuff we have.  Did you notice how big it is?  lol
Here's a close-up.  I love reed glass.  We were looking in the kitchen last night and there is one heck of a lot of cupboards to fill.  Wow.  We'll see what ends up there!

That's it for now.  Not much new stuff from here on out, I suppose.  Woo hoo!  Getting really close now.  I will keep posting when new stuff happens or gets added. 

Thanks for following the progress.  I appreciate all the comments.  Once we get settled, I'd love to have visitors!  Give tours!  HA!  OK, I'm getting carried away. 

It will be nice to get my cat and be able to find something without driving to the storage unit!  Oh, I dream.  I think I'll be able to find stuff anyway. 

Have a good week!

1 comment:

  1. What an awesome closet. I think you can never have too many cupboards in the kitchen.
